
we got some of those new Lewis Cruise decks.

they don't stick around long at $60. and since your here, check this out

click above to fan out on facebook
new Nike SB shoes and an old video clip!!

we hooked up with our friends at Love Skateboards and now have some of their decks($60)in the shop. check out there blog linked below & look forward to an apperance by team members in the near future.

Love Skateboards in muskoka woods from altwatsteeze on Vimeo.

FJ F09


Freshjive's fall collection is really kicking and if you have some time to kill take a look at their blog linked above. crazzy!

got a vans shipment with city pack halfcabs, eras & J-lays


because we has so much fun at go skateboarding day we're doing it again just because summer's over. come to maple on sunday and hang out, skate, eat bbq & maybe win!!


right now all shoes are 20-50% off
all Nike SB, Supra, Emerica, Vans, Alife

click pic for additional info
Nike SB Dunk low preimium "Toxic Avenger"

click pics for more toxie

Nike SB Dunk High "Packman"


Code provided by OldFunGames.com
big update coming today
but for now chew on this

seems alot like something i've seen somewhere else


lots to choose from including jeans, shorts, sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets, tees, shoes, belts, hats.
the Sale product is limited in quantity so be sure to stop by soon.

this is a secret special for our blog readers!
this weekend August 15-16th come in a purchase any Nike SB shoe and if you say the secret password you'll get a Debacle gift pack including a copy of the video on Blue Ray.
what is the secret password you ask?
all you have to do is tell us what city Nike is home to Nike's headquarters?
(remember google is your friend and it's for this weekend only)
This weekend is the 17th annual Hamilton Sk8 Jam at Beasley and Turner
and The Hamilton Spectator's got in the spirit by doing a profile on HSA's president Scott McDonald
click image to read whole article

"As president of the Hamilton Skateboard Assembly, his latest goal is to raise funds to update the aging park with resurfaced concrete and get some new small obstacles built."
"Organizers plan to promote that vision at this weekend's competition. But that's as political as the Hamilton Sk8 Jam gets. The rest is all ollies, nollies and nosegrinds."

and if you get a chance this weekend head out the the contest
just so you know what new Nike SB's are in at BOREDEM

if you have any questions call 905.689.5007
did you hear BOREDEM has shoes?

a literal shit-ton.


Expect a new skatepark in Burlington in the near future

[Burlinton]City council recently approved the construction of a $500,000 skate park at Norton to fill the rising need for more sporting activities in the city. In an effort to address the growing need for skateboarding, BMX riding and in-line skating opportunities, and to build on the continued success of the Maple Skate Park, a second skate park will be built in north Burlington at the 6.5-hectare (16-acre) Norton park.

click for whole story.

success in action
sorry about the lack of posting
was away on holiday, expect lots of updates as we catch up and get you caught up.

as we getting it together watch this:
Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan from 48BLOCKS.COM on Vimeo.