while we wait for all the boards to be shipped out have a look at this years snow offerings we'll have for you at BOREDEM this 2009-2010 season
click image for according link
we are continuing with the most destructive Canadian snowboard brand ever
2010 will be our first season with Omatic and we are excited for there price concious promodels
another new addition for 2010 we're bringing in Signal because of there excellence in craftsmanship and design. who doensn't like made in USA by USAians?
We've gotten back on board with Nitro snowbards this year as they've mellowed out the Euro-xtreemness of their line and have an excellent range of freestyle planks. we'll also be stocking L1 outerwear
of course you've been waiting to see the Burton site for this year.... if you want a print catelog register on the site to get one in the mail. (we got so few this year we can't hand them out like in the past)
and last, but certainly not least, BOREDEM will be selling YES boards this year. super limited AWESOMENESS from Burton's defected team of living legends.. be sure to check this out.